Friday, October 17, 2008

Ice Age

Thought you might like a few recent pics... this is also a way of showing off the new clobber I've been given recently (thanks Chantelle, Sofs and Nonna [for the caterpillar - my fave]).
Aunty Kat noted in previous fotos that I don't appear to have any hands... well, FYI, QIKM, I do! As you can see, Aunty Sofs had to get XXX-gloves for me when she was in Alaska. She obviously is unaware of the drought afflicting Oz... but at least I'll be properly kitted out if that el-Nino is replaced by an Antarctic blast.

Dad likes this foto, which shows off the booties my Irish Gran knitted (lucky she opted for the larger size!)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Burps and sneaky sleeps

Had a fairly quiet week, hence the lack of posts, although Wed. was busy with loads of visitors, inc. Sam and Ruth from Sydders. Dad cracked open a bottle of bubbly which was fun, 'cos Mum had some too - hic!

Since then, they've been obsessed with trying to get me to burp... they've even resorted to squirting some foul elixir down my throat before feeds - honestly it doesn't mix well with a pint of Mum's Special Brew, but it coincidentally makes Dad burb, so I guess if it keeps them happy...

Dad's put up a couple of vids, in case you're interested:

I've no idea why Mum thinks I want a pony (nor a baby pool, and I've no intention of become a pirate! Honestly, that was SO last month).

They also try repeatedly to get me to sleep during the day, which is just ridiculous - there's SO much to look at and flail my arms at, why would I sleep? That said, it's quite tempting to have a sneaky sleep for a couple of hours after a dawn feed - a good start to the day.