Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Just back from a night away in the Dandydingdongs. Mum and Dad didn't give me much warning we were leaving, so I forgot my camera and had to leave most of the boys behind in the cupboard, but Barry the Bear came along for the ride.
Not a bad spot, Olinda - tall trees, big leaves, the most enormous teddy bear I've ever seen, yummy ice-cream, etc. A bit generic... seen one ye olde mt town, seen the lot. The sand pit in the Pig and Whistle was ace, tho, even if the rusty diggers contravened OH&S... the interior decor in the pub was a bit plain so I added to the pattern on the carpet - nothing like a few peas and chips to break the monotony of pile.
Did a fotoshoot for my latest book last weekend ('First words for the wordless' - highly recommended, RRP $31.50, but I'll send you a signed copy for $30 if you email me; I'm afraid 'Milk was so yesterday' is now out of print but my agent is re-negotiating a deal). So here they are - Mum and Dad snuck into a couple, but I'll get Tobi to photoshop them out.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Somit's up

Strange goings on these past few days. Had a wee snooze in the car the other arvo and woke up in the middle of a pine forest. Now the thing has sprouted in the living room. It's got a good crop of sparkly balls on it, but Dad won't let me harvest them...

Then this fat red bloke appeared on the mantle piece. I've called him 'monkey', although Mum and Dad refer to him as Claws, so I humour them now and then. He doesn't seem to do much... just hangs around the fireplace looking up the chimney. I suspect he's planning on doing a runner with the balls.

This morning, Dad's study is even fuller than usual with bags and stuff. I've tried putting them back in their rightful place, strewn around the sitting room, but he gets agitated and returns them to the pile. Whatever next?

Sunday, December 6, 2009

RBG a year on

Dad dragged us over to the Royal Botanic Gardens this avro... it wasn't as boring as I'd expected - more leaves than you could poke a stick at, although I had a fair go until Dad took the stick off me.

We made a similar outing this time last year - I fear I've aged in the intervening 12 months.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

off air

Must apologize for the lengthy radio silence... Dad's been hogging the compoota of late. He's been working strange hours too - up and out before me, crawling to bed after midnight. At least that gives me some space in the bed, and it's pretty easy to get him off to sleep. He's off down the coast next week for a few days (sounds like a beach holiday to me, but he claims hard labour is involved). I'll take Mum shopping so she can get me a few more toys while he's away.
I've got a few new teeth coming through - hassle I could do without, but hey, apparently they'll come in useful. I find that chewing on stuff helps - particular faves include bark, finger puppets, fridge magnets, the wooden spatula, etc. Basically anything I can get my hands on which I'm not allowed to put in my mouth. Drives Mum nuts which is hilarious.
I'm in training for the World Cup next year - I expect Pim won't include me in the 1st squad he announces, but we have an understanding I'll get the call-up shortly before the comp starts when the media's obsessed with something else. People will say I'm too young, should be at kinder instead of on the pitch, etc. You know what they're like. Defo want to put one over the French after Henry's attempt to play rugby against the Irish. That try should never have been allowed - it was a blatant knock-on.
Here's a pic from a while ago - Dad's hair is great for holding on to!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Forgot to mention, this walking caper is pretty easy, although I do sometimes go so fast I run out of ground and the world comes crashing down. But now Dad's finally bought me my own ball, I can concentrate on that and forget about what's going on downstairs.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

1st b'day

Well, it's been a long time since I last posted - busy busy busy... that's Dad, my errant scribe, rather than me. I've been kicking back and waiting for spring to sprung. Now that it has, I'm back... here are a few pics from my b'day bash this arvo. I had a pretty ace b'day - asked for a bath and a brrm-brrm... I won't post pics from the former :-) Top cake Mum - how did you know chocolate is my fave?
Thanks to everyone who came along and/or gave me pressies. Mum's already got ideas how to spend my dosh, but I've veto'ed the ballerina outfit.

Friday, July 24, 2009


Nah... bored with solids; drinking milk again tho, although the guy in The Age last Sat said his son photosynthesizes, rather than eat, so I might give that a go.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Went to see the doc today - it's been a couple of months, so I figured I'd call in and see how he's going. He's in pretty good form, although looking a bit rough around the edges (something about a 3 month old keeping him up at night - ha! It's only just started mate). Got chatting to a cute toddler called Miranda in the waiting room - her mum's doing her head in too.
Dad's been branching out in the kitchen of late, which is always a bit of a concern. He made apple crumble this evening, and pineapple turnover last week. Have I seen any of it? Nah. So I've decided to drink to rule until I get a more equitable share of the puddings. No movement yet, but I'm prepared to dig in for a long dispute...

Monday, June 8, 2009


Sorry for the lack of posts, but I've been busy entertaining granny and grandpa, who flew over from UK last week. POOR MUMMY. Granny was nearly deported on arrival, 'cos of her shonky visa / passport - kind of ironic for Australia to be turning away colonials of the British Empire, but I guess times are hard and she might try stealing our jobs and/or wimminfolk. POOR MUMMY.
It's pretty exhausting having them around - they're always wanting to drag me out for walks or crawling after... I just can't get any privacy these days. Anyway, Dad's putting them on the train to Sydders tomorrow morning so I might get a lie-in. POOR MUMMY.
They didn't bring many pressies so I'll have to have words. 'Pre-loved' books don't cut the mustard in the Noughties - I mean, I even got 50 smakkers out of Uncle Silvano the other day, so wot good's a half-chewed Beatrix Potter book to me? POOR MUMMY.
POOR MUMMY me arse. POOR DADDY. POOR DADDY my little chubby wrists.
Ps I think Mum's hacked into my blog - there's no way I would have written that! Oh, hang on hasn't Daddy been at my blog my whole life? Hmmmmm, interesting....

Saturday, May 16, 2009

new gaffe

Not overly impressed with the new abode (pics / vid to follow when Dad pulls his finger out). Sure it's got improved crawlability but I miss being carried up and down the stairs 6 times a day and the view is shithouse - I can't see over the front wall. On the plus side, I have located a doorstopper I can dislodge with great ease and the gas fire is nice and toasty, although Mum won't let me get close enuff. It's friggin perishing in the rest of the house.
The move was a bit disappointing - Dad didn't break or lose anything, although I tried my best to help him. Our new neighbour, Efi, is lovely. I burst into tears whenever she comes round to get extra sympathy and pressies. It's working so far - yummy biscuits on day 1 and then a cloth teething book (I make a point of chewing cardboard when she sees me so she thinks I don't have any proper toys). Bonza! You can never have too many.
Dad keeps on promising to dig up the garden and plant stuff, so there should be some ace manure and topsoil to play in soon - can't wait, although I'll probably have to restrain myself 'til Mum goes out. Apparently Granny and Grandpa are coming over soon, so I'll see how the tears 4 sympathy trick works on them too. They pointedly refuse to get Broadband, so no fear of them reading this in advance - ha!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

low profile

Apologies for the lack of postings but it's very hard to get compoota time in this house. My scribe is always tapping away at the keyboard (at least that's what he tells his supervisor), but does he ever get around to typing up my dictated musings? Nah. Too busy GoogleEarthing... the bane of my life, all this new teknologee.
I even caught him sleeping on the job (of minding me) the other day... ok, I was out for the count myself, but the camera never lies.
The parental unit have been dragging me around to different houses of late, so I suspect something's up. Not that they've asked my permission or thoughts or anything. Personally, I think they should check out rentals in Kirribilli, 'cos it seems a pictureskew area with friendly neighbours... not that I've had my latest $900 from Mr Rudd yet - Mum spent the last lot, so I'm down to my last brass farthings. It's really embarrassing having to cadge off other kids when we go out for babychinos.
I'm going to give Gymbaroo a go this week. Apparently it's no-holds barred all-in wrestling and extreme sports - sounds ace. And then up to Sydders for a wild weekend - see you kids there :-)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Earth Hour

I have to confess that I slept through Earth Hour... Dad says they should have it more often, but Mum says he's jaded. Personally I think he needs to get more sleep.
I've been feeling a bit out of sorts since getting stabbed at the doctors', again. Nice enuff chap, the doc, but bloody incompetent - he completely missed Dad's arm and stuck the needle in my leg. I think I'll sue. Dad says we have to go back next week 'cos of it all. I hope he doesn't get sick before then.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Back on the Blog

G'day readers! Yes, I'm back... well, I never was away, but my errant scribe has returned and I've decided to re-employ him. Honestly, you'd think there'd be a surfeit of qualified typists clamouring to work for me, given these economic times, but nah, looks like I'm stuck with the incumbant.
Anyhow, since I was last on line, I've perfected backward crawling, which is much trickier and more useful than going forwards, plus a mate who's seeing a shrink (purely in a professional capacity, of course), says he's only interested in what's behind you, rather than what's ahead of you.
I've also started to broaden my diet - got a bit bored of the white stuff. Current faves are smoked salmon and cucumber canopies, with a sprinkling of dill, although Dad keeps on stuffing buttered toast in my mouth at brekkers. Got him back this morning by getting up at 5:45am. Ha! He'll pretty much give me whatever I ask for at that hour in the morning, and then I can have a kip later.
Saw a paediatrician on Wed. Easiest case she's likely to have this year, although I was a bit disappointed in her selection of tests - I can do SO much more than bash things, but hey ho, if that's what you want me to do.
Right, better have a kip - apparently we're going duck hunting at Fairfield this arvo when it cools down a bit.