G'day readers! Yes, I'm back... well, I never was away, but my errant scribe has returned and I've decided to re-employ him. Honestly, you'd think there'd be a surfeit of qualified typists clamouring to work for me, given these economic times, but nah, looks like I'm stuck with the incumbant.
Anyhow, since I was last on line, I've perfected backward crawling, which is much trickier and more useful than going forwards, plus a mate who's seeing a shrink (purely in a professional capacity, of course), says he's only interested in what's behind you, rather than what's ahead of you.
I've also started to broaden my diet - got a bit bored of the white stuff. Current faves are smoked salmon and cucumber canopies, with a sprinkling of dill, although Dad keeps on stuffing buttered toast in my mouth at brekkers. Got him back this morning by getting up at 5:45am. Ha! He'll pretty much give me whatever I ask for at that hour in the morning, and then I can have a kip later.
Saw a paediatrician on Wed. Easiest case she's likely to have this year, although I was a bit disappointed in her selection of tests - I can do SO much more than bash things, but hey ho, if that's what you want me to do.
Right, better have a kip - apparently we're going duck hunting at Fairfield this arvo when it cools down a bit.