Saturday, May 16, 2009

new gaffe

Not overly impressed with the new abode (pics / vid to follow when Dad pulls his finger out). Sure it's got improved crawlability but I miss being carried up and down the stairs 6 times a day and the view is shithouse - I can't see over the front wall. On the plus side, I have located a doorstopper I can dislodge with great ease and the gas fire is nice and toasty, although Mum won't let me get close enuff. It's friggin perishing in the rest of the house.
The move was a bit disappointing - Dad didn't break or lose anything, although I tried my best to help him. Our new neighbour, Efi, is lovely. I burst into tears whenever she comes round to get extra sympathy and pressies. It's working so far - yummy biscuits on day 1 and then a cloth teething book (I make a point of chewing cardboard when she sees me so she thinks I don't have any proper toys). Bonza! You can never have too many.
Dad keeps on promising to dig up the garden and plant stuff, so there should be some ace manure and topsoil to play in soon - can't wait, although I'll probably have to restrain myself 'til Mum goes out. Apparently Granny and Grandpa are coming over soon, so I'll see how the tears 4 sympathy trick works on them too. They pointedly refuse to get Broadband, so no fear of them reading this in advance - ha!