So wot's new? Well, I'm big and tall (ENORMOUS) and huge is my new fave word, esp. when associated with jumping on the bed. Dad insists I only jump in the middle of the bed, some nonsense about big babooah to the head if I fall off - honestly, he's SO old. Anyway, I'm looking forward to cycle rides now Mum's had a seat fitted to her bike, although I'm darned if I'm going to wear one of those ridiculous helmets, whether it's got dinosaurs on it or not. Should've saved the $50 you spent on that for some pressies, Dad. I like pressies... I also like mozzarella, ice cream cream, Humpty and the Duck in the Truck. Naughty Duck, mucky rana (frog, for those of you who aren't bilingual). Right, better dash and wake up Mum...

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