Tuesday, December 30, 2008

situation vacant

I've just been informed by my errant scribe that he's buggering off to Pella next week for a couple of months, so I'm going to have to advertise for a temp to keep the blog going in his absence. Mum says she's too busy wiping bottoms.
It also came to my attention yesterday that the Italian in the version of Nonna's song which Dad sings isn't quite spot on - he's be warbling something about hitting lemons (Batty lemoni), whereas it's actually 'Batte gli mani' or clap your hands. Anyway, just a couple of gripes - you can't get the staff these days.
Xmas was quite good - got some tasty wrapping paper, and my friend Gerry the Giraffe has moved in. He enjoys a good wrestle, and puts up more resistance than the Aussie top-order batsmen, so he keeps me amused. Have a great New Year - I'm aiming to see it in with a milky bevvy around midnight myself.

Friday, December 12, 2008


Thanks to Piet for the suggestion - I now feel more reassured that I won't look like Dad when I grow up.

and a couple of yon parental unit

Photos courtesy of Tobias Titz, the award winning photographer, and Dogsbrekki striker:

the many faces of Finn

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

chip off the old blok

I was flicking through some old photos when Dad was in the shower earlier and came across one from when he was a bub. It's a bit scary...