Tuesday, September 30, 2008

IR Law reform and sustainability

Much as I'm glad to see the back of Little Johnny, and welcome Rudd 07's 08 plans for 18 wks maternity benefit (can we have it backdated please?), I'm a bit concerned about his proposed IR Law reforms. I mean, as a small business enterprise employer, with a workforce of 1.5 (dad has half the week off, so he only counts as part-time), I'd be ruined by a return to collective bargaining and reinstalling of workers' rights. My employees are already murmuring about forming a union, The Lactationers and Toxic Waste Disposalers (LATWaD), and demanding rights such as a shorter working week, fixed breaks and holiday pay. Holidays? Dream on... they'll be expecting me to donate MY Costello Bonus towards their trip to Bali next.
Then there's all this sustainability nonsense. Let's just face it - babies are unsustainable. I've given up counting the cost of my carbon emissions but I've only got an 8 cm footprint, and I don't think that's excessive for a 3.5 week old.
Dad says I've trebled the volume of garbage the family generates, but quite frankly, I don't think they were trying very hard before. Filling the bin is easy, and it's just not efficient for the council to empty half-filled bins.

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