Saturday, November 1, 2008


Dad's a dill. He tried fixing the leaking toilet cistern this arvo while we were out, and has ended up making it worse. Honestly, you can't turn your back without him fiddling with stuff, although sometimes it works, like getting a cable for the teev aerial (Mum - rabbits ears are so 1980s!). He's quite pleased with a 50% success rate, but I suspect Mum isn't, and I don't think plugging a cable into the wall counts as a major engineering achievement.
We just watched a dvd of Dad's interview on ABC International's News Hour last week. I was a bit disappointed we had to wait 'til after all coverage of the global international financial crisis (yawn) before the interesting bit. Nice graphics, but Dad could've done with longer in make-up - he looked bloody knackered.
Friday was busy - went up to check on the maternal health nurse. She's doing quite well, all things considered, but hasn't put on much weight since I last saw her. I, on the contrary, have put on over 500g - thanks Mum! Keep the booster juice coming...
Otherwise, not much else to report. They've got me on some belladonna-based magic potion to combat wind. It doesn't taste too bad, and I did a spectacular yellow poo this morning, so I guess it works.

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